Rector’s Welcome

A Warm Welcome From Our Rector
Welcome to Dunalastair!
Our three sites (in Las Condes, Chicureo and Peñalolén) offer excellence in teaching and learning, and a balanced, skills-based curriculum. We strongly emphasise using technology to further learning goals, and we use technology to improve home-school communications, providing up-to-date information for parents.
A few years ago, we decided we had to ‘reimagine learning’ given how little we know about the world that our students will face in the future. Our unique curriculum and approach will equip our students with 21st century skills to thrive in an uncertain future.
We fully believe in education as a partnership, and only a close relationship between schools and families can provide the support that growing children need over time. Please enjoy browsing our website to learn more about the Dunalastair approach.
We’d love to have you visit us – this vital step in your research will help you to decide if we are the school for you and your family.
Best wishes,
John Mackenzie, Rector
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“It seems to me that our educational project is much more practical than traditional education. Sitting in front of a blackboard and watching is an obsolete system, it’s something that hasn’t worked for years. It is better to prepare students for university, here they prepare us for the future, for teamwork and collaboration. I have thought about my future and I think I want to study Commercial Engineering in Chile or Business at Auckland University”.
Ignacio Rodríguez Poblete, Year 9 student at Dunalastair.